Benchmarking of plastic-based Additive Manufacturing Processes
Additive Fertigung, Benchmark-Artefakt, Maßhaltigkeit, Schmelzschichtmodellierung, mechanische Eigenschaften, Multi-Jet-Fusion, Prozess-Benchmark, Selektives Lasersintern, OberflächenqualitätAbstract
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a future-oriented manufacturing technology that is experiencing an enormous boom in the times of Industry 4.0. As a result, various AM technologies and printer models from different manufacturers are entering the market over a short time span. With the advancing establishment of this manufacturing technology for series applications, the expectations and requirements of the fabricated components are also increasing. However, a major challenge is the application-specific selection of the most suitable AM process due to a lack of comparable data. Furthermore, there needs to be more know-how regarding the geometrical and mechanical characteristics of AM parts. This paper addresses this problem by comparing the three most common plastic-based AM processes in the areas of surface quality, dimensional accuracy, and mechanical properties. Roughness measurements, evaluation of a benchmark artifact, tensile tests, and load increase tests are carried out. Based on the results, the individual possibilities and limitations of the compared AM processes can be detected.
Copyright (c) 2023 Thomas Reindl, Dennis Meisner, Stefan Hierl

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