About the Journal
The RTe Journal is a freely accessible electronic journal that publishes articles from the field of additive and digital manufacturing technology - additive manufacturing - in German or English. All submitted manuscripts are checked for formal errors by the editorial team and undergo a peer review process by the scientific advisory board before publication. There is no entitlement to publication.
In recent years, additive manufacturing technologies have developed from processes for the production of prototypes to industrial manufacturing technologies. Due to their layered structure and the fact that they do not require moulds, additive manufacturing processes offer numerous advantages in the development and manufacture of innovative products. For this reason, these manufacturing technologies are used in aerospace, toolmaking, the automotive industry, energy technology, medical technology and many other areas to produce functionally improved components for industrial applications.
Additive manufacturing processes are a young manufacturing technology. Despite their industrial use, there are still extensive research questions that need to be answered in the coming years through basic and application-oriented research in order to be able to use these technologies sustainably in physical and digital industrial process chains in the long term. The Rte Journal has set itself the goal of providing a platform for the publication of application-orientated research with practical relevance. Innovative ideas that are developed together with industry or research partners from applied research should have a chance of being published in this journal.
The RTe Journal is published by FH Aachen - University of Applied Sciences